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Can Admin please check if Mag box 322 is gonna be supported soon???
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I have ******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* subscription and I use SIPTV portal for watching TV with Polish EPG, and all works great, but sometimes even 4 times in 1h the strem is freezed, and after I change channel to another one and come back it's still not working - Restarting, over and over again.
After about 1-2 min stream starting to work again - it's very frustrating for me and rest of my family.

On original ******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* portal it's work without any issues. Except of lacking Polish EPG.

Any suggestions ?

Best regard, Marcin.
I have a customer who bought a mag 322
with the same problem is not supported STB.
some solution to the problem
thank you
Well its not working
When portal loads up it says its not supported after booting with Rapid portal.
Well you already say yourself that Rapid portal is working so the problem is SIPTV portal or the routing.
Contact SIPTV :)
Thanks. Any timeschedule? A lot of clients are really frustrated haha. This year? Or next year?
hi, any help appreciated. I have a customer who when selecting channels on mag box is getting only a blank screen. wi-fi connected and box is connected to portal but no channels are watchable.
If the people would use the surch function (magnifying glass) top right, they would find mostly a lot of threads with the answer in this forum. :openmouth: A good answer for "telex" it this thread:

And yes, it is amazing that there is till now no opption with the MAG, to easaly record like with an SAT receiver. :cry:

The big advantage of IPTV is the function of "chatch up" TV, where the provider is storing the broadcast on his server and with EPG you can go back some days and watch it later. But this is not offerd here (at the moment). So you not need realy to record it, only if you want to save it for much later.
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Dear community,

i have asked sellers from informir and they tell
me that the factory do not produce MAG 254 anymore. Now on the website from Imformir is the New MAG 322 (New Generation of MAG 254).

- Does the MAG 322 works with our IPTV Portal?
- Other Setup for this Box ?

User which still use this Box or Resellers with informations please reply.

Thank you from Germany