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Dear Community,

the device of my customer showes "Your STB is blocked".
By checking the dashboard the line is ok and not disabled.

By Troubleshoot it shows that the line has been disabled by the admin. But this is not true and i cannot reactivate it.

What should i do?
Thanks for your help.

dont use youre line on a other device at the same time.

try to change your password

or contact youre reseller
Ticket send. Thanks. I'vent seen it.
And Rusax - > i'm a Reseller and not sharing my own line.
Thanks for the hint.
Go to your dashboard and on the right lower corner click on the + to create a support ticket.

i just recently setup a mag 322 for a friend and the channel zapping is ok, 2-3 sec for a channel change.

for making a favourite channel i click on the Yellow button and after choosing all the channels i want, then click green and set it to show only favourite channels.

Hi Orzabit,

thanks. Yes, SD channels or Hd channels are fast but no Full HD channels ... I think it’s a bug because mag254 has got the same quantity of ram and there is no problem...

For favorite channel, yes I click on yellon button and green but what is the star button ? ( on the left corner )

I have the same problem with zapping. SD channels are fast, but FullHD take 5-8 seconds.

When I change the output container format from MPEGTS to HLS the zapping FullHD channel is OK, but it take about 30 seconds to zapp channel if you fast zapp back to previous channel,
firmware version 2.20.5

MAG254 & MAG256 is OK zapping time.

Any ideas how to solve this?

i just recently setup a mag 322 for a friend and the channel zapping is ok, 2-3 sec for a channel change.

for making a favourite channel i click on the Yellow button and after choosing all the channels i want, then click green and set it to show only favourite channels.

Hi Orzabit,

thanks. Yes, SD channels or Hd channels are fast but no Full HD channels ... I think it’s a bug because mag254 has got the same quantity of ram and there is no problem...

For favorite channel, yes I click on yellon button and green but what is the star button ? ( on the left corner )

I have the same problem with zapping. SD channels are fast, but FullHD take 5-8 seconds.

When I change the output container format from MPEGTS to HLS the zapping FullHD channel is OK, but it take about 30 seconds to zapp channel if you fast zapp back to previous channel,
firmware version 2.20.5

MAG254 & MAG256 is OK zapping time.

Any ideas how to solve this?


How change MPEGTS to HLS ?

Workes fine with ethernet cable.
Only problem with Wifi and Wifi mac-adress.
I added an ticket. they just gave me the link to the portal :)
Does anyone know if the new 322 or 351/352 is capable of sending out 5.1 Sound with just using HDMI?

Or is optical the only way to go ?
Hi all,

I've just received my first units of the MAG322. It's working good so far, but the time to change a channel takes ages, between 5-8 Sec. This wasn't before with the MAG254. Who faced this problem as well? Is there any chance to get a faster zapping?

Hi all,

I've just received my first units of the MAG322. It's working good so far, but the time to change a channel takes ages, between 5-8 Sec. This wasn't before with the MAG254. Who faced this problem as well? Is there any chance to get a faster zapping?


i dont have this problem. Did you install the newest firmware?
Hi all,

I've just received my first units of the MAG322. It's working good so far, but the time to change a channel takes ages, between 5-8 Sec. This wasn't before with the MAG254. Who faced this problem as well? Is there any chance to get a faster zapping?


i dont have this problem. Did you install the newest firmware?

Thank you for your reply!
Yes, I think so, I've done the OTA Update. Is there any special firmware available? It's extremely with the German channels.
Hi I have problem to the firmware I don’t see the url line
can you help me pls?
i put the last firm but nothing

Hi there!
It seems like i cannot find the portal icon in the settings of my mag322. i only see "general" and "more" in the servers menu! Does it mean that it is somehow locked?
Im facing the same issue i downloaded the official firmware from infomir but cannot see the portals option.

Also how can i install youtube app?