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Does anyone know how to set the clock on a MAG254 on 24 hour mode?
In the locatlization setting I can not set a country nor city.

Thanks in advance.
I bought a Mag254 from you and now after a few weeks, the box is completely dead. No blue lamp.

Tips how to make it work?
My girlfriend looked through the box and then she shut the television with the remote control and probably left Mag254 Started
I have try to downgrade mag 254 to r14 version I have downloaded firmware and put on USB stick when loading image error coming out wron signature , i m tired :(
hi, i just updated the software on my mag 254 box, then after the loading screen it says my stb is blocked please call provider??
I have try to downgrade mag 254 to r14 version I have downloaded firmware and put on USB stick when loading image error coming out wron signature , i m tired :(
Mate... from experience, I have learned to walk away... go outside, have a walk and then tackle issues with a clear mind...
On MANY occasions, I end up kicking myself as the solution is soo basic and simple, but I was to tired that I couldnt see it staring back at me :)

I hope this helps http://iptvtalk.org/archive/index.php/t-1120.html