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A client is having the problem that picture and sound are not in sync with his mag box.
He watches mainly the Italian channels.
Anyone recognizes the problem?

Yes unfortunatly.

I'm experiencing the same on channels (i think it's when it's AAC audio). Fix is to reselect audio, it goes silent for like 5-10 sec then audio is sync with video. If you change channel you have to do it again.

Haven't tried the latest FW update yet, maybe it will solve it but the few threads I've read nothing was confirmed.
Tnx for your answer. latest firmware was installed automaticly when installing.
Is there a new update?
2017-12-27 14:31 this is the latest I see on the mag site.

Quick question to the firmware update. Any concerns/issues to update it to the last revision? I have just some minor doubts, related to the problems reported, that the device may not boot up anymore if specific conditions are matching related to the device number? correct?

Thanks for sorting out my doubts :blush:

You need to use the right update for 256 or the otherone for 322. Do not flash the wrong firmware
Thanks for the feedback @snutteb

Unfortunately I did not mention it on my previous post.
But I have a MAG254 device, I guess I shall stay on the current revision, correct?
Hi, this is a very interesting topic,
Can someone explain if my already paid and activated Samsung Smart IPTV activation from "sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******" be transfered and used on the MAG?
or DO I have to buy another activation.?
Is there a How to...about this.?
Do just Log In to my Account with "sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******" change the Mac Address and insert my existing line or what..?
and If I want to revert back to use on my SmartTV I just reverse the whole action.?
My experince is that Smart iptv app works very well, However it really depends on what tv you have.. Exampel: a tv from 2014-15 will not have the best performance . A newer Android TV like my Philips 2017 works like a charm :)
So I have searched around and I think I have found the correct answer myself.
If I want to use the SmartIPTV App on another device then I have to Register the MAC Addy, make Payment and Activate again.!
So for every Device its €5,49 and the new MAC Addy plus Activation.