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Yes.. But you dont use the MAC adress you activated ion Sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* on a MAG device . On a MAG device you use a Portal adress provided buy your IPTV provider :)
My experince is that Smart iptv app works very well, However it really depends on what tv you have.. Exampel: a tv from 2014-15 will not have the best performance . A newer Android TV like my Philips 2017 works like a charm :)


Which Philips TV model would you recommend? As there are a lot of TV models from Philips.

Hi I would really like to know why this has happens also.

Subs used to always be on, but now they are always off and you have to manually enable them on these channels and every time you swotch channels.
This worked perfekt 3-4 months ago , but is broken now.
Please fix.

Examples on channels are most under the Sweden list,e.g bbc britt, bbc earth, animal planet, discovery, h2, cmore channels, sf, viasat channels.

If anyone hase any info on how to fix or improve this, please help.
Box is 2 different mag 254 with portal.
Is there some hidden menu on the MAG 256 to see what the current channel is streaming for resolution and bitrate etc etc?
Is there a loss of video quality if you use siptv with m3u list (on tv or also mag box) instead of streaming it directly on the mag box without siptv?
On my old 256 Mag box the standby light was red, with my new 322 w1 the standby light is a rather bright whitish blue colour, is this normal?
Thank you for your reply uriX, I've tried looking for the LED brightness dimmer option but cannot find it.
I have 2 clients whose service is interrupted constantly because the Country changed almost daily and they get the message "Your STB is blocked. Call the provider." I constantly respond by changing the country most times to "All Countries" but usually within a day it changes back.
My experince is that Smart iptv app works very well, However it really depends on what tv you have.. Exampel: a tv from 2014-15 will not have the best performance . A newer Android TV like my Philips 2017 works like a charm :)


Which Philips TV model would you recommend? As there are a lot of TV models from Philips.


I used to have mag box (mag 254) as well but now with my new Philips Smart Tv (android 7) I find that smart tv is a better experience, better streams, better quality and a big plus:
only one remote :blush:
So if you planning to buy a new TV, choose an android tv.
Thank you for your reply uriX, but it has made no difference. The standby light is still this horrible very bright pale blue colour. I'm sure it should be red like my old 256.
Hello everyone.
I'm new to this forum. Not new to Linux but new to the mag boxes.
So, what I'm trying to accomplish is to put a custom image on MAG322 box. I followed this link:
but I of course changed things according to mag322.
I did the gpg --gen-key and followed the instruction in the link above.
I successfully made the transitional image but when I try to make a final image it says Digital signature not correct!
Any ideas where I should start troubleshooting????