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As i´ve clients (322 users) on other systems with no problems.. can this problem be down to Rapid and not a box problem??

Could be, but still wierd.
When my box was crashing I got JSON script errors upon loading portal..
But I only got these errors when using the box at home. Same box, same portal, same everything on my job network had no issues..
So can't be a portal issue if it loads fine from one network but not another.. Diffrent ISPs
Never found a solution, lasted for two days then it vanished.. No problems since.
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Hey I'm having an issue with my Mag 254, since a couple of days everything is moving very slow and the channel plays a little then box resets. I thought this has to do with infomir blocking so I factory reset, turned off auto update then reloaded rapid portal, it worked for a couple of days but it's back to slow and rebooting device after watching a channel. Please help? is there a new rapid link for mag boxes? or what should id o?


Because mag has a very low memory he can load faster all channels from portal and you will have a slow response from box. Unchek some channles from bouquet list and then the mag will work faster
it depends on how big the bouquet list are.. I guess rapid has a very big one that's why some MAG get on their limits
Hi my mag 322 is showing a black screen and freezes while loading portal. Is there any fix for this problem please?
I have another question.... I have several Mag254w2 (with only 1 USB at the front of the box, not at the back) and I have used USB memory stick of 512MB, 2GB, 8 GB etc. but everytime I want to upgrade the firmware via USB, it cannot find the firmware on the USB memory stick. Has anybody else had this issue, and if so... how did you solve it?
I have another question.... I have several Mag254w2 (with only 1 USB at the front of the box, not at the back) and I have used USB memory stick of 512MB, 2GB, 8 GB etc. but everytime I want to upgrade the firmware via USB, it cannot find the firmware on the USB memory stick. Has anybody else had this issue, and if so... how did you solve it?
you have to make the right maps on the stick.
your usb has to be formatted to FAT32..

it should contain (in your case) 1 folder called... mag254..... inside the folder should be your... imageupdate

the names are important not... imageupdate254 just imageupdate
your usb has to be formatted to FAT32..

it should contain (in your case) 1 folder called... mag254..... inside the folder should be your... imageupdate

the names are important not... imageupdate254 just imageupdate
yes, done all that and I have no problems reprogramming other Mag boxes.... but the Mag254w2 is very difficult. it refusing all my USB sticks
Is this the message "Wrong digital signature" ??

then is possible that your STB is signed with operator key and it can be updated only on operator's firmware only.

That would be one reason that you can´t update the box.. where did you buy the box?
Trying to help a friend with his MAG254. He have had another provider before which seems to have put their own firmware on it as there is no Servers tab in the settings. When I'm trying to update the firmware using the bios and a USB stick I'm getting the error "Wrong digital signature" and when the box reboots it shows Software auto update with Update status Wrong signature.

Does anyone know a workaround for this?
Hello, can anyone help me? I'm trying to find a channel called '24/7' but can't find it on my box. My cousin's box has the channel yet mine doesn't, any way to add it onto my box?
Hello, can anyone help me? I'm trying to find a channel called '24/7' but can't find it on my box. My cousin's box has the channel yet mine doesn't, any way to add it onto my box?

Your on a forum for Rapid iptv.. They don´t have a 24/7 channel .. you´ll have to find out your cousins provider and ask there.. Not all providers have a 24/7 channels
i have a problem with mag322 the mag is asking for unlock password i had the no block update and still asking

My mag 254 doesnt loading the page, i have the problem page loading error. Can you help me please what can i do?
The page is correctly in portal


This thread is dedicated to technical question and installation tutorials regarding MAG 245/322.
Feel free to submit your questions and receive technical support from other community members.
hi i have mag 322 w1 when ever i fwd any movie the device hangs ans finally i have to plug it off and than on and it works. same happens if i fwd again
pls help resolving it.

My mag 254 doesnt loading the page, i have the problem page loading error. Can you help me please what can i do?
The page is correctly in portal

page loading error usually happens when ur device is not connected to wifi or lan, if it is connected than second reason can be the portal adress error check properly the address and try again even if it doesn't work it means portal address have problem reach out to service provider.

i shared it as per my personal experience hope will be of some use for you.