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Cannot find where to p[ost this so will try here and see if anyone can help me. I have a MAG322 box and it freezes when I change channel. I have update the software on the box and it has only been happening since then???
Dear All,

Seems MAG 322/351 blockage from Infomir in the new version of firmware

Please try this process:

- Factory reset the box
- Auto software update OFF (before connecting to the internet)
- DHCP update OFF (before connecting to the internet)

There's an even deeper level of factory reset:
  • Mode 2 (LED white, quick blinking). Reset to factory settings - if some STB settings do not allow to boot, you may need to reset the environment variables of the STB software to initial value;
That is, hold reset button on back of box,keep it pressed, plug in power and wait for the fast blinking cycle.

Three cycles, starts slow, then fast and last solid as:
  • Mode 1 (LED white, slow blinking ). Selecting alternative NAND - if for some reason download or update of the software from the current memory bank has not been successful, this mode switches the loading from the alternative flash memory bank;
  • Mode 2 (LED white, quick blinking). Reset to factory settings - if some STB settings do not allow to boot, you may need to reset the environment variables of the STB software to initial value;
  • Mode 3 (LED white, lights constantly). Emergency startup - loading the System Recovery Utility menu via USB or over the network (requesting update data via DHCP protocol) - in some cases, if you can not boot from modes 1-2, this mode is used.
This will bring back factory image, not just reset settings.
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Alright people.. This will be a bit of text.

After a few hours of testing my conclusion is that the black screen and lockups are completely memory related, none of my MAG 322 are faulty, they all act in the exact same manner.
Black screen is not caused by any kind of blocking.

MAG 254 / 322 and below, boxes with 512MB RAM has a 50/50 chance of successfully launching the IPTV app with a full bouquet.

I have tested with the latest firmware on MAG 322/324, 2.20.08r2
My test setup has been three different MAG 322 and one MAG 324.
The 322/324 boxes are identical in hardware with the only exception of amount of memory.
Bouquet setup has been full bouquet vs 8 groups removed (Austria, Czech, Finland, Hungary, Kurdistan, Macedonia, Poland, South Asia)
Result on MAG 322 with full bouquet, seven reboots: Ok, Fail, Fail, Fail, Fail, Ok, Fail.
Result on MAG 322 with 8 groups removed, eight reboots: Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok. I can't get box to crash with 8 groups removed
Same result on all three MAG 322, failure is random, so not an exact match.
This does not match my experience from two days ago, maybe something else was going on.

MAG 324 was successfully booted regardless of bouquet size. This box has twice the memory compared to 322/254. 1Gb vs 512Mb
This is total memory however, about 250Mb goes to the filesystem, that leaves us with only about 250Mb to play with in MAG 322/254 and below.
Not sure what app launch really does but while app is starting up on MAG 322, free memory drops as low as 2Mb. I suspect this calls a Linux kernel OOM, Out Of Memory, which kills the offending app, our IPTV app/interface, but just a guess until I have the kernel log to back it up.
Once app is running MAG 322 got about 90Mb free but haven’t been monitoring for any length of time.

All of the MAG 322 with fully populated bouquet will render in a hit and miss of successful app launch. It will crash randomly, but more often than not.

MAG 324 is a completely different story. Here we got 1Gb from start, again, 250Mb goes to the filesystem. Leaves us with plenty of room to play with. Never seen memory go below 200Mb.
I cannot get this box to crash or lockup. If anyone out there is running a MAG 324 and experiencing lockups or crashes, please pm me firmware version so I can try to replicate and analyse.

That’s about it from my past four hours of testing.
Also, as a final to this post, I found the Public image to be just a little more stable than the factory image, no idea why. Public images must be flashed in the System Recovery Utility, from a compatible FAT USB key. The Public image brings a bonus, SSH and root access to the box.
SSH is turned off in the factory image, so no fun to get there.
So, with a Public image you can roam around and see what’s going on, if you know your Linux.

I’ll try to dig deeper and find some log files or debug mode. App gives no report on why it dies when it does, so I don’t think it crashes, I think it’s killed by the kernel.
SSH login for enabled public image:
Login: root
Password: 930920
Port: 22

stbapp is the MAG IPTV app, startup script is this one:

So if you crash box with a full bouquet you can ssh in and launch the app again.
It might fail and it might launch, just like a regular boot with full bouquet.

/usr/local/share/app/run.sh is the actual app start script, called by the one above.
Play around with it, I use two shells, one to launch, one to monitor.

Holds the portal blocking file found out by Thr0wawayicus, dls.backup
It's not in clear text but keeping an original copy of this file let's us reverse to it if our portal would be included.
Then it's easy to block whatever adress box phones home to, or even write protect the file so it can't be updated.
But can only play around with this if I got a portal that's actually blocked, which I don't.
If you do, go ahead and try.
Box will always answer on SSH, it does not lock up, it's only the app that stops working, which of course makes the box utterly useless.
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Alright, since the Warning post is off on a few points I'll describe the procedure to successfully flash the NoBlock firmware.
First off, pull the plug of you MAG, then plug it back in and press Menu button on remote and keep it pressed.
Menu button is of course this one:
Keep it pressed until you enter System Recovery Utility, this is what you should see:


From there go to Upgrade Tools - Upgrade Software - Using USB.
It will start looking for the file, when found it will check integrity and then flash:

If you get an error message saying Wrong Signature, you're not using a Public firmware, get the right one.
If you get an error message that says File not found you need to try another USB stick.
Need to be a small one, as stated in other post, less than 16Gb.

If you flashed the downgrade firmware from the Warning post you will need to do a full factory reset of your box to get Portal URL fields back:

Get all available NoBlock files from here:

Verified and working for MAG322 at least. They should all be OK.

I'll edit this as we go if something need to be clarified.
Any tips on improvments or something I left out, send me a pm.

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Do you need to factory reset nand 1 and 2 and settings first? I just flashed the noblock on a 322 using your method but still not loading. While several other packages i own load just fine.???? Tia
I did this to some mag256 and mag322 and no problem, only beware that mag322 CAN’T change potal anymore and mag256 no problem, you stil can change portal..
I did this to some mag256 and mag322 and no problem, only beware that mag322 CAN’T change potal anymore and mag256 no problem, you stil can change portal..

Then you are using the wrong firmware file. I can change protal URL on MAG322, no problem
This trick did it for my blocked MAG 322:
Go to "Software autoupdate" menu
Disable autoupdate
Press F2 and update to the December firmware.
Then change youre MAG Portal URL to a new one.

Hope it works for others too!
Morning all !

If you have a lot of MAG clients that will have problems with flashing their MAG boxes there is an easier way out for them
You can setup your own HTTP update server, this would be just a simple webserver with one single file on it, or just add a few maps if you already have a webserver running.

The only thing needed is the following map structure on webserver root dir: /mag/322/imageupdate
Where 322 can be any model and imageupdate is the factory firmware file.

Important however ! The imageupdate file has to be the Factory images released by Infomir, not the Public ones.
Public firmwares needs to be flashed from System Recovery Utility.
Factory images can be updated from within the Inner Portal.
So the NoBlock firmware can't be flashed this way.
But for MAG322, which is my main headache, we don't need NoBlock.
2.20.05 and 2.20.06 firmwares does not have the URL Blacklist function implemented.

So clients only has to change the HTTP update adress in the Software update setting to the URL provided by you and then do a regular software update from within the Inner portal. This will of course be a downgrade to a older firmware.
Hi all, tried it yesterday three hours ... no success :(
First bootloader menu/bios screen -> Reset factory and save
then inner Portal -> autoupdate off
bootloader menu/bios Screen -> update from usb ... bootloader/imagefile
after restart Portal address
restart -> blocked :mad:
Did I do something wrong?