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still a black screen
i dont know what to do anymore. everything was working almost one year long. and now nothing works anymore. same problem on 2 different mag devices.
the line is working on my pc but id like to use it on my mag with the portal.

Have you try to update the MAG box with the Infomir url who are able in the box?
Which Format does the MAG Portal from here use as Stream code? HLS or TS?
If you want to use m3u line on your MAG can use TS. But it's better to use MAG Portal URL.
If you want to use m3u line on your MAG can use TS. But it's better to use MAG Portal URL.
That's my Question, which one does the MAG Portal here uses?
Because if I use the line with the MAG Portal from xtream editor, I can choose between TS or HLS.
for Portal URL you need to ask your Reseller. Because every reseller has their own Portal URL.
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I am the reseller
All I want to know is, which format it is in the iptv.community MAG portal, ts or hls
if you are our reseller you should know your Portal URL.

Anyway, Login to your DB and go to Settings and on your right side will find all your DNS information (DB URL, Stream Hostname, MAG Portal URL, EPG source, Picons URL)

I know all my URL's and I never asked for a URL.
Can anyone just tell me, what stream did the administration of the Iptv.community MAG portal used for the regular official MAG PORTAL with standard URL.
I know all my URL's and I never asked for a URL.
Can anyone just tell me, what stream did the administration of the Iptv.community MAG portal used for the regular official MAG PORTAL with standard URL.

you need to use your MAG portal. As like every Reseller use their own Portal. Every MAG portal is official.

For m3u line use "m3u With Options" - MPEGTS

Hi! I'm sure this has been discussed before but I'm totally stuck and desperate...
My mag254 is locked by supplier making the portal settings invisable.
I have searched everywhere and tried different guides and youtube videos but no luck so far.
I have flashed it with new firmware and reset it in bios.
Now it boots up to the inner portal and when it gets there it tries to do a update which would be great.
However it can't and I get a wrong digital signature error.
If I go into settings where i normally would find the portal settings, it's still not there.
So my question is: How do I format/erase/flash it completely? And make it boot up with default settings and firmware.
Like if I had bought it not locked. Is this impossible?
Any ideas is appreciated no matter how risky it is. As it is now, I can't use it anyway so if I brick it, well ok.....
I reset the MAG254 to factory settings but since then when I use the embedded browser to reach u-Tube I just get a black screen and no sound.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the video settings? Otherwise where should I look please? Jean
I have a Mag 322 and want to send signal to other tv's in house through a rf modulator. Used a 3.5mm jack to rca that I use on a Vu+ zero but get no signal. Does the Mag has its own dedicated jack to av? If yes can you point me to it?
the portl is loading full, and still the channels are not shown to me.
or when I'm looking for channels, it sometimes hangs. What could be the problem?