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hi, i have a problem with a MAG254 just over one year old. Yesterday I switched the Box ON like thousand times before and it crashed, when it came back ON,
It went straight to the "Software Update" section and did a S/W Update from version 0.2.18-r22 to 0.2.18-r23 via the "http on board URL method".!!
ALL on its own without me pressing OK or any other buttons on RC..!!!!
NOW I have a "Page Loading Error" which will NOT go away.
The WIRED Internet IS Enabled and the Ethernet IS also Enabled. In the Nework Info there are NO Red Notifications.
Even when I hook up the WIFI Connection and Start the Portal it gives me the same "Page Loading Error".!
I have checked and double checked that the Portal URL from my Provider is correct and NOTHING wrong there...ALL ..OK
Has anybody experienced this same problem..??
Is there a Fix or Solution...because I have tried several other Portal Urls which are working on my SmartTV`s Dreamboxes and other MAG250 and I keep getting the same "Page Loading Error"..!!
In effect the Box is Dead and I cannot revive it...I cannot get it working and its driving me Nuts.
Any Help would be greatly apprec.Thanks
Hi, updated the MAG322 to the latest firmware Dec 20, the channels shifting freezes, after 2 to 3 changes of channel, rolled back to the jul 10 firmware and all is well again. Anyone having the same problem?
Hi, updated the MAG322 to the latest firmware Dec 20, the channels shifting freezes, after 2 to 3 changes of channel, rolled back to the jul 10 firmware and all is well again. Anyone having the same problem?

reset the line, means change the line password then try. If you still have the problem please try to use different DNS:

Hi, autoupdate of the MAG322 to the latest firmware Dec 20, the HD channels have audio but no picture, other channels no picture nor audio. Tried to roll back to previous version but the box automatically updates to the latest although autoupdate has been disabled...??? Ideas?
Hi every1
Recently moved house and when not thinking and trying to set up the mag 254 I have plugged the wrong power cord into the mag. I think i have blown it up. When using the correct cord now the blue light doesn’t come on. Is it a put in the rubbish and buy a new mag or can I somehow save this one?
Hope some1 has some afvuce

I'm having an issue on my MAG 322 W1 box
firmware 5.3.0
My issue is with the Favorites. When i favorite a channel it will not display in my favorites?

What can i do to fix this!
thank you
Good afternoon all, just joined with the hope I can receive help and I can add to the forums too. I have an issue with my MAG254, although I have a 300MB line at home, my MAG only sees at its best, 5MB when speed testing and obviously, picture quality and heavy buffering occurs. I assume that this is related. Thanks everyone for your help.
I can only think of basics.. update Mag to newest release.. change DNS settings in network.. check cable .. router / priority to lan X where your mag box is / max speed / etc .. firewall? or take the box to a friends house and see what happens there..
Hey I'm having an issue with my Mag 254, since a couple of days everything is moving very slow and the channel plays a little then box resets. I thought this has to do with infomir blocking so I factory reset, turned off auto update then reloaded rapid portal, it worked for a couple of days but it's back to slow and rebooting device after watching a channel. Please help? is there a new rapid link for mag boxes? or what should id o?
HI.. nothing to do with the Infomir block.. It could help if you reduce the number of countries that the box loads.. Overheating problem? Make sure the box isn´t sitting on top of a heat source and that the box is ventilated.

Try booting from nand 2 if your on 1 or 1 if your on 2... pull out the mains plug, then hold down the "setup" button on remote as you plug mains plug back in,, it will give you various options... use boot from nand 1 or 2 see if that helps.
HI.. nothing to do with the Infomir block.. It could help if you reduce the number of countries that the box loads.. Overheating problem? Make sure the box isn´t sitting on top of a heat source and that the box is ventilated.

Try booting from nand 2 if your on 1 or 1 if your on 2... pull out the mains plug, then hold down the "setup" button on remote as you plug mains plug back in,, it will give you various options... use boot from nand 1 or 2 see if that helps.

I tried all of that didn't work, for bouqet list i keep getting "there is a problem in updating bouqet list, please try again"
I tried all of that didn't work, for bouqet list i keep getting "there is a problem in updating bouqet list, please try again"

Have you asked your reseller for help? he should reset the bouquet list.. If he can´t do it open a ticket and see if admin can sort it.