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First of all i need to try this so i am interested in channel list mostly European countries on my Nvidia shield. My hobby is fotball
...try removing them... it does not work for me. I had mag254 and didnt work... and same happened on mg256 when i changed my stb. I just wish rapid arranged the order or channels would be easy to find channels... thats all. Hopefully it will be done soon. However it is the most reliable out there. I have tried them almost all !
Ok guys. I have been struggling to. could not delete favourites on MAG254. I found a solution in my case. I reset the settings using the BIOS (did not work through the settings function). After the reset, I had to put back the server’s link. The favourites were still there but when I deleted them again they did disappear so try the reset through the BIOS (blue screen: as soon as you plug your box press multiple times on the menu button (3 horizontal lines). Once it reboots it might be stuck on tge loading phase. Just unplug replug the cord go back to the bios and make sure you are on Nand2. hope it helps
Ok guys. I have been struggling to. could not delete favourites on MAG254. I found a solution in my case. I reset the settings using the BIOS (did not work through the settings function). After the reset, I had to put back the server’s link. The favourites were still there but when I deleted them again they did disappear so try the reset through the BIOS (blue screen: as soon as you plug your box press multiple times on the menu button (3 horizontal lines). Once it reboots it might be stuck on tge loading phase. Just unplug replug the cord go back to the bios and make sure you are on Nand2. hope it helps
boot mode: go back to Nand2 if you are stuck on loading page after default settings
New in release 0.2.18r23-254:

Fixed stop of HLS playback, when HLS server switches stream source.
Fixed reset of audio track selection after seeking.
Fixed asynchronous audio on some HLS streams.
Fixed incorrect displaying of DVB subtitles on recordings.
Fixed incorrect displaying of embedded text subtitles.
Fixed SecureMedia decryption.
Fixed hanging of player, if incorrect file is selected as external subtitles.
Added 24H.TV support.

Embedded portal:
Updated manual.
Updated localization.
Fixed empty audio_initial_volume state.
Fixed current image date check in update.
Increased portal loading delay in multiportal mode to fix slow wifi start.
Fixed some inconsistency in new API.
Fixed navigation in favorite.
Fixed access control settings.
Added new timezone codes.
Always check environment variables portal1 and portal2 for possible operator changes.
Optimised auto update requests.
Fixed retrieving search data from Google for autocomplete.
Improved TimeShift saving algorithm.
Don't show auto power down if timeshift is active.
Fixed wifi keys generation page.
Fixed mounting share by hand.

Fixed WiFi in WEP mode.
Added reconnects for PPPoE.
Added AZERTY virtual keyboard mode.
Updated openssl library and dependent packages.

Fixed crash in some HTTP use cases.
Hallo, is anybody could confirm that with MAG256 or 322 recording is possible, if not which device will be the best to record IPTV channels, regards
I'm too looking for the best single box PVR. but i'm using HDMI recorder from Ebay about $50.
I recently searched youtube and very much sure this device can record but mine Mag322 giving error on record?
Could anyone knows about it?


I have problems with my MAG boxes,
what happens is:
The portal is loading up correctly; up to the very main screen where you should be able to choose the stream categories etc.. aldo I can`t move up or down / left or right
my remote control is not working at all on the screen so i can`t open anything or select the channels.
the remote it is working in the setting menu (inner portal etc) but not on the main portal screen after loading up.
please help what should i do??
Did you get a fix for this by any. Chance thankyou
Hi all
I've recently bought and set up a MAG 322w1 with my IPTV subscription and it's thrown up a couple of questions / frustrations, if anyone can help I'd be grateful.

1. Although I've added the portal address of my IPTV subscription provider, and the box boots up to a tv channel I can only access this from the main menu by accessing the portal, If I select the IPTV logo from the main menu I get a messages saying no channels are available. Is it not possible to access portal based IPTV subs through this part of the main menu?

2. I've linked my NAS drive as a UPnP connection ( I can also see it as via the samba connection). Is it possible to create shortcuts or "favourite" some of the sub folders so that I don't have to navigate through the menu structure every time I want to access content?

So far my impressions are OK but not great, I bought the w1 model so that I could access my subs via wifi but the signal the box is picking up is so poor (8-10mb/s) I have had to plug in a lan cable, not great as I have a 200mb cable connection and a brand new gigabit router.
I have a similar problem that started with the most recent Mag software update. I believe the problem was introduced with the update. I find a work around is to unplug the Mag and plug it back in. I do not think this is anything to do with Rapid.
Most days when first using the box.
Turn TV on, Mag on its channel menu, Mag does not respond to the remote, Power Mag on/off and becomes responsive to remote again.

Hope this helps
Yes that does work but whenever I go into TV menu it freezes again before I even get on a channel thankyou wayne
I have a MAG 349 and I do not support the STB, what can you do there?
Hi, I hope someone here can help me.
I have a new Mag322 box.
It worked for a short while (an hour of two) and then hung on me. When it hung I couldn't do anything, not even turn it off with the red button on the remote control. I then just removed the power, counted 10 seconds or so, then rebooted it.
Once it restarted I couldn't get the main menu anymore. I can get into the Settings menu ok and can alter things there, but just can't get back into the main menu, where I can choose countries, channels, etc. I have tried restarting the box numerous times but still nothing.

I do get an error message screen where at the top in RED letters it states: Page Loading Error.
Under this there are 4x lines of information.
1rst = Try Again, with the correct server address under it.
2nd line = Embedded portal.
3rd line = Rapid ITV, with your the correct server address under it.
4th line = System settings.

I did update the software to see if this helped, but there was no change.
Any idea what is going on? I have tested the internet and proved I am getting internet access with the box.
I have found the problem. I had to change the last part of the URL given to me and had to add 8080/c/ instead of just /c/ on the end. After altering the URL everything worked again.
Thanks for anyone considering helping me. :-)