can you please tell us why your clients are on Media Browser section? Are TV channels working? Are VODs working?
Hello,My old test portal runs stable, but there must be something wrong with the emu. I've debugged and tried all the possible things I could try. Even a hard reset. But switching to iptv portal breaks.
Thanks @everyone for make this topic active. I couldn't upload any pictures but they all seem about right. The portal just becomes unresponsive, and loads the media browser. At that point it basically crashes the portal. The mag still works and menu is sometimes still reachable but the portal has no function for most of the clients. 90% that I know and uses a mag has this problem.
Rapid tv Swiss media browser is loaded from your portal no client goes anywhere its regulated from the portal
Hello,In the “NTP server,” line enter the following address “pool.ntp.org or us.pool.ntp.org“ for North America
Hello,My old test portal runs stable, but there must be something wrong with the emu. I've debugged and tried all the possible things I could try. Even a hard reset. But switching to iptv portal breaks.
Thanks @everyone for make this topic active. I couldn't upload any pictures but they all seem about right. The portal just becomes unresponsive, and loads the media browser. At that point it basically crashes the portal. The mag still works and menu is sometimes still reachable but the portal has no function for most of the clients. 90% that I know and uses a mag has this problem.
Rapid tv Swiss media browser is loaded from your portal no client goes anywhere its regulated from the portal
MAG setup guide: https://iptvhelpcenter.com/r/How-to-setup-IPTV-on-a-MAG-device
Please make sure also the MAC address is activated in your Dashboard.
Do this must be set up? In the “NTP server,” line enter the following address “pool.ntp.org or us.pool.ntp.org“ for North America
Hello guys, i think this “issue” is not Rapid problem but “Infomir Issue”,,,