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I have the same... the box is through another IPTV provider and he must have modified the software... I cannot reset and via USB give me wrong signature. also via automatic update in inner portal I get wrong signature...

Is there any way to remove the modified firmware and go back the the original Infomir firmware?
Because the box has been locked by the original provider
I have the same... the box is through another IPTV provider and he must have modified the software... I cannot reset and via USB give me wrong signature. also via automatic update in inner portal I get wrong signature...

Is there any way to remove the modified firmware and go back the the original Infomir firmware?
Because the box has been locked by the original provider

so there is no way to unblock the box? That sounds a bit extreem... should I just through away the box? The supplier doesn't exist any more....
So, i have a MAG 254 running the portal here on rapid.
Thing is, i noticed in settings (both in the portal settings and in inner portal settings) that graphical resolution was set to 1280x720.
Then i tried to change it to 1920x1080 and it asked me to reboot the box, which i did.
When the box had rebooted it still shows 1280x720 on graphical resolution. Tried to change from both rapid portal and inner portal.
Anyone knows how to actually change it, or is this happening for you also?
So, i have a MAG 254 running the portal here on rapid.
Thing is, i noticed in settings (both in the portal settings and in inner portal settings) that graphical resolution was set to 1280x720.
Then i tried to change it to 1920x1080 and it asked me to reboot the box, which i did.
When the box had rebooted it still shows 1280x720 on graphical resolution. Tried to change from both rapid portal and inner portal.
Anyone knows how to actually change it, or is this happening for you also?
I think that portal support only 720p
If you get this, it's because screen is small or it's moved at bottom or something. So I think it selects the good settings for your device
So, i have a MAG 254 running the portal here on rapid.
Thing is, i noticed in settings (both in the portal settings and in inner portal settings) that graphical resolution was set to 1280x720.
Then i tried to change it to 1920x1080 and it asked me to reboot the box, which i did.
When the box had rebooted it still shows 1280x720 on graphical resolution. Tried to change from both rapid portal and inner portal.
Anyone knows how to actually change it, or is this happening for you also?
I think that portal support only 720p
If you get this, it's because screen is small or it's moved at bottom or something. So I think it selects the good settings for your device

Yeah, okay. That might be it.
Just got me wondering. The output resolution is still 1080p though, no problem. Only the graphical res i cant set to the same.
But as you say, maybe the portal ui is configured as 720p.
So, i have a MAG 254 running the portal here on rapid.
Thing is, i noticed in settings (both in the portal settings and in inner portal settings) that graphical resolution was set to 1280x720.
Then i tried to change it to 1920x1080 and it asked me to reboot the box, which i did.
When the box had rebooted it still shows 1280x720 on graphical resolution. Tried to change from both rapid portal and inner portal.
Anyone knows how to actually change it, or is this happening for you also?
I think that portal support only 720p
If you get this, it's because screen is small or it's moved at bottom or something. So I think it selects the good settings for your device

Yeah, okay. That might be it.
Just got me wondering. The output resolution is still 1080p though, no problem. Only the graphical res i cant set to the same.
But as you say, maybe the portal ui is configured as 720p.
Yes it's right. When you play 1080, makes upscale.
I have rapid tv , and have some questiosn about it:

1: How to get the right time , the time zone is correct , but show time 1 hour wrong on portal

2: how to get epg working , there is epg list / adress on other forum , but how to get then to work on mag 254 , or are they only for kodi ?

3:It it safe to take mag 254 box to friends home , or will the new ip adress block my subsription ?
I have rapid tv , and have some questiosn about it:

1: How to get the right time , the time zone is correct , but show time 1 hour wrong on portal

2: how to get epg working , there is epg list / adress on other forum , but how to get then to work on mag 254 , or are they only for kodi ?

3:It it safe to take mag 254 box to friends home , or will the new ip adress block my subsription ?
1) You have to use ntp pool server for your country.
2) EPG is available for MAG automatic and epg on m3u there is link
3) Yes
I have rapid tv , and have some questiosn about it:

1: How to get the right time , the time zone is correct , but show time 1 hour wrong on portal

2: how to get epg working , there is epg list / adress on other forum , but how to get then to work on mag 254 , or are they only for kodi ?

3:It it safe to take mag 254 box to friends home , or will the new ip adress block my subsription ?
1) You have to use ntp pool server for your country.
2) EPG is available for MAG automatic and epg on m3u there is link
3) Yes

Could you please tell me how to add epg on dreambox dm500hd ?
some clients telling me that epg on mag doesnt work,can someone comfirm that
Here the answer from Support Team:

Thank you for your feedback.
The issue has been forward to our technical team, so if the problem is from our side will be checked and resolved in less than 48 hours.
Thank you for your patience.
-- Client Portal Support Team
Here the answer from Support Team:

Thank you for your feedback.
The issue has been forward to our technical team, so if the problem is from our side will be checked and resolved in less than 48 hours.
Thank you for your patience.
-- Client Portal Support Team
Sounds like a canned response
It means that they consider the issue, and fix it
No.. it means that their email server automatically generates a reply, whether they look at it or not.

It gives the appearance its being handled....
From experience with Rapid, I am not overly confident in them as they still have no website, still remain relatively silent on the forum and to be quite frank, I find that very disrespectful....
They have a forum, but choose not to use it to inform everyone...

Ive got the same exact email from them, many times :tonguewink:
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No.. it means that their email server automatically generates a reply, whether they look at it or not.

It gives the appearance its being handled....
From experience with Rapid, I am not overly confident in them as they still have no website, still remain relatively silent on the forum and to be quite frank, I find that very disrespectful....
They have a forum, but choose not to use it to inform everyone...

Ive got the same exact email from them, many times :tonguewink:
They look to the ticket, and they make auto answer, I don't think that they will write the message every time manually.
Maybe you have suggestions to give us to better this?
Ther is no epg on mag 254 especially bristish and french channels but other works no prob...what is going on here?