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Ther is no epg on mag 254 especially bristish and french channels but other works no prob...what is going on here?

Rapid have problem with epg,I hope that they will fix that soon as posible.
No.. it means that their email server automatically generates a reply, whether they look at it or not.

It gives the appearance its being handled....
From experience with Rapid, I am not overly confident in them as they still have no website, still remain relatively silent on the forum and to be quite frank, I find that very disrespectful....
They have a forum, but choose not to use it to inform everyone...

Ive got the same exact email from them, many times :tonguewink:
They look to the ticket, and they make auto answer, I don't think that they will write the message every time manually.
Maybe you have suggestions to give us to better this?
Yes... The suggestion is...
Reply back manually... AutoReply is just FAKE !!!
Talk on the forums and dont just create a mod to talk for you

Stand up, grow some balls and talk with your members and resellers
No.. it means that their email server automatically generates a reply, whether they look at it or not.

It gives the appearance its being handled....
From experience with Rapid, I am not overly confident in them as they still have no website, still remain relatively silent on the forum and to be quite frank, I find that very disrespectful....
They have a forum, but choose not to use it to inform everyone...

Ive got the same exact email from them, many times :tonguewink:
They look to the ticket, and they make auto answer, I don't think that they will write the message every time manually.
Maybe you have suggestions to give us to better this?
Yes... The suggestion is...
Reply back manually... AutoReply is just FAKE !!!
Talk on the forums and dont just create a mod to talk for you

Stand up, grow some balls and talk with your members and resellers
Auto reply don't mean that ticket is not watched, they manage many tickets you know, so they forward to staff then make auto reply to tell client that it's being fixed.
They look to the ticket, and they make auto answer, I don't think that they will write the message every time manually.
Maybe you have suggestions to give us to better this?
Yes... The suggestion is...
Reply back manually... AutoReply is just FAKE !!!
Talk on the forums and dont just create a mod to talk for you

Stand up, grow some balls and talk with your members and resellers
Auto reply don't mean that ticket is not watched, they manage many tickets you know, so they forward to staff then make auto reply to tell client that it's being fixed.
thats normal rapid have many Customer they cant answer all tickets but he work on all tickets
Everytime after I switch from HDMI input, the IPTV portal works for about 2 seconds, than the signal drops and the device looks like it switches off. None of the buttons at the remote work, so what I do is unplug the power cable and the device resets and works. Any idea what this is?

If I dont switch the HDMI to another iput, everything works fine and the device works fine...

Many thanks
Are you using the mag portal or sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* portal?
in the siptv portal once you have it loaded, press blue button and then in the left side there are three hdmi settings. Of these three, if the one on the right is selected the box will switch off when it detects loss of power in the hdmi cable. Select the one on the left.
sorry, replying from memory!
I recommend this app for an easy confiuration:

Mag configurator


Available for:

  • Android
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  • Mac

More streaming solutions:


Hello everyone.
Something strange is happening to me.
I have a MAG250 that works correctly on rapid iptv, with siptv and m3u list, both on SD channels and on HD channels.
Now I have changed it for a MAG254 and the problems begin.
HD channels are pixelated every 2 seconds, but not SD channels.
I have changed several configuration parameters but I can not solve it.
I have also noticed that if I configure the MAG254 to work through the MAG portal, mag.rapidiptv.com / c / HD channels work perfectly, without pixelating.
Any solution to the problem?
Thank you for your help
Hi , try to update the box to the latest firmware.


After that put the portal url on portal 2, i found at for some reason the portal 2 line works better

Dutch IPTV reseller

~~~ Let me show u the world ~~~
Hi, tanks for the help, but still the same.
Changit from portal 1 to portal 2, nothing.
Updated the software, nothing
upload the list, enable keep online, nothing

sorry for the asking, have you looked at youre ethernet cables

there a few thing you have to check with the cable, every meter you use can get you a lost of few mb over the span o a few months,

how old are youre cables after a few months especially the cheap ones wil give wait on the ussage, This will create signal degradation over time and leads to intermittent failures over time

Cables at the bottom of cable tray can be crushed by weight of cables. Hanging cables within the rack means that means that gravity will induce physical stress on the copper core which will stretch This especially applies to Cat6 cabling which is thicker and heavier than previous copper cabling

Bend damage increases changes of cable kinking, copper core stress and leads to signal degradation.

these are just a few thing, i know u will say i know everthing is fine in mine house, i did say that to before a cable got another cable and everthing worked normaly

Dutch IPTV reseller

~~~ Let me show u the world ~~~
Tried software version
0.2.18-r17-254 (the lasted)
yes i check the ethernet cables, i change the mag254 for the mag250 and its working perfevtely (MAG250)

SOLVED :blush:
In the ocult menu change the boot mode from NAND2, changed to NAND and every ist perfect.


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Hi guys.
I just bought an mag 254. I have a m3u link i Was told i could but The m3u link on a usb stick and put it in the mag. But how do i do With The epg link?

better is use the

siptv portal and upload you m3u

http://sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/howto/mag/
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