1) So, the line(s) I have updated over and over again for TNT DK on my Samsung Smart TV according to ESTIPTV channel listing:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="TNT.dk" tvg-name="TNT HD DK" tvg-logo="
http://picon.space/tnthd.png" group-title="Denmark",TNT HD
http://<SUPPLIER>/live/<XXXXXXX>/<XXXXXXXXX> /16595.ts
keep showing some Russian TV channel Icon and the EPG is constantly in Russian (at least looks like Cyrillic lettering).
2) I also seem to have the same issue with some .png's are correct (h**p//picon.space/<CHANNELIDENT>.png) when looking them up directly in the browser, but won't show on the TV.
3) Also Viasat Explorer has never worked even though I have entered the values as per the ESTIPTV site...
What Am I doing wrong here?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated...